done and done / by jen geigley

Way back in November, I started a little sweater project for Lotus – Milo, by Georgie Hallam. With Lo's help, I picked out some Noro Kureyon in this fun pink/black/chartreuse colorway from our favorite local shop, Knitted Together.
And then, the poor sweater sat in my bag looking like this for a couple of months. It was one of those projects that I could have probably finished in a week or two if I had kept at it, but ... you know. It sort of hibernated.
So this weekend, I was bound and determined to get this off the needles. This was after I realized it was going to turn out much, much larger than I had planned and had to pick up another skein of yarn before I could finish.
But it's done! Even though it's more of a tunic/dress than a sweater vest. I figured it would look cute with leggings/skinny jeans this winter.
I'm totally cool with the larger size, because she can easily wear it a good two or three years before she even gets close to outgrowing it.
I was sooo relieved to find out that Lo likes it. I've made things in the past that she wouldn't even try on, but she's pretty excited to wear this stripey dress to preschool.
She even thought she'd take it for a little spin (and I think that was the perfect thing to do.)