honest to blog / by jen geigley

Who knew I'd be a blogger? Let alone a mom blogger. A crafty blogger. But I love my blog. I love your blogs. I read lots and lots of them, every day; Google Reader is my funnel. I write for many different reasons. This place has become my diary, my photo album, my memory keeper. The first blogs I remember reading were Dooce and Sounds of Science; both classics, one mommy and the other crafty. They were the ones who helped put me on this train. People in my family might not be in favor of me blogging. But I was never very good at listening to my parents. I started this baby in March of 2006, which is sort of unbelievable to me today, and I'm not about to stop.

I was interviewed for a story about tech savvy moms in Juice today. Read the story here. You can't deny the power of the internet. Whether I'm on Twitter, checking to see if any of our local pals are up for a last-minute playdate, or chatting with the awesome friends I've made in my online mom's group, it's plain to see that the internet has changed our lives forever. And I like it.