collections / by jen geigley

Dare #131 is up. Do you collect stuff? There are a lot of things I could have covered here, but I went for all of the short sleeved t-shirts in my closet. I took photos of them in Photobooth, and then did some mad Poladroid-ization on them all. I would have used the real deal, but I'm down to one 10-pack and that wasn't going to cut it. Plus, um, that would have been totally expensive. You can't see it here, but I raided my stash of scraps and used up tons of it to cover the backs of each 'droid.

Doing this made me realize that all my t-shirts have some sort of story or memory associated with them. Noted on each one with a Sharpie. Funny how I can remember what store they're from or who I was with when I bought them or something I did the first time I wore them. I know, they're just t-shirts. But so part of the every day. T-shirts that have been with me on vacations, to concerts, lost and then found again, some that should be retired, some too small, some too big, and some that are just right.